

Strategy and Objectives
Cainiao integrates ESG concepts into its business management and development, and committes to becoming a responsible corporate citizen for our customers, employees, and society, contributing to a better life and a more sustainable future.
ESG Governance Framework
Cainiao places a high priority on sustainable development management. Based on a comprehensive consideration of the company's current operations and pioneering experience, it has constructed a four-tier, top-to-bottom ESG management framework that covers all levels of the management to ensure that ESG and sustainable development efforts are implemented
Board Sustainability Committee
This is the highest decision-making body for the company's ESG efforts, responsible for guiding the company's ESG development strategy.
ESG Core Strategy Committee
The Committee is composed of the CEO and general managers of all business units to promote the high-quality development of the business with ESG in mind.
ESG Task Force
The task force comprises of the chief strategist, ESG functional departments, and representatives of each business unit with the aim to promote the normalization of sustainable development governance.
Businiess and Functional Departments
They are responsible for executing specific ESG-related tasks according to established management indicators and systems, and reporting regularly to the ESG Task Force.
sit map 会东县| 宿松县| 贺州市| 安康市| 乃东县| 中江县| 固始县| 临海市| 大兴区| 陕西省| 平顶山市| 二连浩特市| 布尔津县| 柘荣县| 格尔木市| 明光市| 澄江县| 青龙| 富锦市| 黄石市| 鄯善县| 清徐县| 温州市| 马鞍山市| 浪卡子县| 西青区| 喀什市| 天气| 双牌县| 鄢陵县| 高青县| 连云港市| 张家口市| 达日县| 江安县| 阿城市| 克拉玛依市| 武宁县| 安顺市| 怀来县| 唐河县|